Far flung. Long from now. Distant time.
Tight. Wound tight. Years in the
Resonating. Ripples expressing. Vibrating across the
Synergy. Interactions. Touches. Cross currents. Stuff of
Altered. Believe. What will be believed?
Perception. Integration. Interpretation. Ignorance. Mind
Faith, beliefs transitory. Time and space
Everywhere. Every time. All at once. Existence
Grip. Tighter and tighter. Boa constrictor,
Spin. Spinning right. Spinning left.
Day by day. The story’s written. Pages
Eureka. Flash of light. Spark of inspiration.
Dogma. Minds shackled. Fixed. Trained
Meets the eye. There’s so much more than
Instantly. All at once. Collective. Variations.