Invasion. Instruction. Messages. Hidden from view.
Dark. Dark forces await. Align. Lust for
Unscrupulous. Since arriving they’ve been here. Maneuvering.
Inorganic to organic and back again. From a
Tech. Decades in gestation. Out of view.
A.I. Good or bad? Human nature,
Bubble machine. Bubbles pinching off.
Arriving Not from without but from within.
Master’s will. Penetrating. Molding. Shaping each will.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Coerced. Coerced to believe. Believe what’s been
Bits to bytes. Connection. Knowledge. Human
Stories. So many stories. Down trough
Tentacles. Circling. Squeezing. Slowly at first.
Culmination. All just culmination. Modernity. Reflection.