was all stupid. you weren’t that entertaining. i find it all only sad now, that
now, I’m no Bukowski but my friends who don’t like poet… except his stuff, tell me they like mine, and I can drink like a drinking machine
yes, darling you should come & take care of me, someone has to, & you
the center holds itself still that rockets believably may be seen exploding in all directions from somewhere vaguely
dopplergangers in case you both explode, who knows it could happen, true love too qui… like a limerick, obvious stupid si… like things aren’t. also, angular
being drawn back unlike a bowstring but down and in as water finds the lowest
I will meet you in the open air, & pet your pony’s nose. You will be
cool this angst some with beer, amazing how it works, three in and suddenly ashamed that i could hate
lie still. be quiet. please understand what happens so, next time
the conquering child turns 50, gets the gag out its mouth, says here i am. let’s play now
they really do know how to shove something up your ass like
this being we are, delights in all things, yes but is held breathless
we go walking around walking all over this town nothing ever getting us down cause we’re just a couple of clown…
like bell bottoms or disco but we need it to think i’m dead
may be too onerous a task for those not starving. lucky