I understand the tattoo now “VERITAS” on your wrist, only there because it is entirely absent everywhere else.
my spirit sings to you, clears and quickens. losing you is impossible
we go walking around walking all over this town nothing ever getting us down cause we’re just a couple of clown…
webwomb’s not the maker of me. came into it as falling is done. down, only always
got the sex drive of 15 young bulls, but the women are all scared.
drry awfl drd sys thngs tk t lng & y bttr hrry lst y
a few hundred million dying days later he emerges into crazy
liking to say things, all kinds of things, mostly about the way things seem
if i stub my fucking toe it’s their fault so say i, and who could argue? you almost
excuse me, i thought you were also the center of a fractal
I dream sometimes you surprise me and it is surprising that I don’t immediately realize I’m dreaming
the very idea that i could be
if you enjoy this pain, all expressions of it, being here compiled, then, yes enjoy them, but
this being we are, delights in all things, yes but is held breathless
love me past the edges, stances and masks, deeper than i know things.