Some to Aonian lyres of silver so… With winning elegance attune their… Form’d to sink lightly on the soot… And charm the soul with softest ha… ’Tis then that Hope with sanguine…
And canst thou, Mother, for a mom… That we, thy children, when old ag… Its blanching honours on thy weary… Could from our best of duties ever… Sooner the sun from his high spher…
Oh! who would cherish life, And cling unto this heavy clog of… Love this rude world of strife, Where glooms and tempests cloud th… And where, 'neath outward smiles,
Be hush’d, be hush’d, ye bitter wi… Ye pelting rains, a little rest; Lie still, lie still, ye busy thou… That wring with grief my aching br… Oh! cruel was my faithless love,
‘In Heaven we shall be purified,… Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake, Retune thy strings for Jesus’ sak… We sing the Saviour of our race, The Lamb, our shield, and hiding-…
Silence of death-portentous calm, Those airy forms that yonder fly Denote that your void foreruns a s… That the hour of fate is nigh. I see, I see, on the dim mist bor…
Oft in sorrow, oft in woe, Onward, Christians, onward go; Fight the fight, maintain the stri… Strengthened with the bread of lif… Let your drooping hearts be glad;
Come, Disappointment, come! Not in thy terrors clad: Come, in thy meekest, saddest guis… Thy chastening rod but terrifies The restless and the bad.
Sublime, emerging from the misty v… Of the horizon dim, thee, Moon, I… As, sweeping o’er the leafless gro… Seems to repeat the year’s funerea… Now Autumn sickens on the languid…
Yes, once more that dying strain, Anna, touch thy lute for me; Sweet, when pity’s tones complain, Doubly sweet is melody. While the Virtues thus enweave
Ding-dong! ding-dong! Merry, merry go the bells, Ding-dong! ding-dong! Over the heath, over the moor, and… ‘Swinging slow with sullen roar,’
The western gale, Mild as the kisses of connubial lo… Plays round my languid limbs, as a… Beneath the ancient elm’s fantasti… I lie, exhausted with the noontide…
BOOK I. I sing the Cross!-Ye white-robed… Who know the chords of harmony to… Ye who o’er holy David’s varying… Were wont, of old, your hovering w…
The night it was still, and the mo… Serenely on the sea, And the waves at the foot of the r… They murmur’d pleasantly, When Gondoline roam’d along the s…
He sunk, the impetuous river roll’… The sullen wave betray’d his dying… And rising sad the rustling sedge… The gale of evening touch’d the co… Nymph of the Trent! why didst tho…