The night it was still, and the mo… Serenely on the sea, And the waves at the foot of the r… They murmur’d pleasantly, When Gondoline roam’d along the s…
Give me a cottage on some Cambria… Where, far from cities, I may spe… And, by the beauties of the scene… May pity man’s pursuits, and shun… While on the rock I mark the brow…
O Lord, my God, in mercy turn, In mercy hear a sinner mourn! To thee I call, to thee I cry, O leave me, leave me not to die! I strove against thee, Lord, I kn…
It is not that my lot is low, That bids this silent tear to flow… It is not grief that bids me moan; It is that I am all alone. In woods and glens I love to roam…
Mighty magician! who on Torneo’s… When sullen tempests wrap the thro… Art wont to sit and catch the glea… That shoots athwart the gloom opaq… And listen to the distant death-sh…
The morning sun’s enchanting rays Now call forth every songster’s pr… Now the lark, with upward flight, Gaily ushers in the light; While wildly warbling from each tr…
Come, Anna! come, the morning daw… Faint streaks of radiance tinge th… Come, let us seek the dewy lawns, And watch the early lark arise; While nature, clad in vesture gay,
Oft in sorrow, oft in woe, Onward, Christians, onward go; Fight the fight, maintain the stri… Strengthened with the bread of lif… Let your drooping hearts be glad;
He sunk, the impetuous river roll’… The sullen wave betray’d his dying… And rising sad the rustling sedge… The gale of evening touch’d the co… Nymph of the Trent! why didst tho…
Yes, my stray steps have wander’d,… From thee, and long, heart-soothin… And many a flower, which in the pa… My heart hath register’d, nipp’d b… Of undeserved neglect, hath shrunk…
Some to Aonian lyres of silver so… With winning elegance attune their… Form’d to sink lightly on the soot… And charm the soul with softest ha… ’Tis then that Hope with sanguine…
Yes, once more that dying strain, Anna, touch thy lute for me; Sweet, when pity’s tones complain, Doubly sweet is melody. While the Virtues thus enweave
Music, all powerful o’er the human… Can still each mental storm, each… Soothe anxious care on sleepless c… And e’en fierce Anger’s furious r… At her command the various passion…
Ding-dong! ding-dong! Merry, merry go the bells, Ding-dong! ding-dong! Over the heath, over the moor, and… ‘Swinging slow with sullen roar,’
Ye unseen spirits, whose wild melo… At evening rising slow, yet sweetl… Steal on the musing poet’s pensive… As by the wood-spring stretch’d su… When he, who now invokes you, low…