head over heels dont know what im feeling feels like im dreaming an alternate universe space and time
magnets magnetize energy energized from within then begins the mental journey
as the summer comes to an end, i send my vapor wishes to the fishes at the bottom of the sea
sun beams send their messages through the glittering sparkling Ocean
perception is everything as stunning as gorgeous as a shiny new toy as absolutely heart wrenching
yin and yang her beauty illuminated her heart filled with pain long dark lashes erect above emerald jewels
rebel evil devil i cant resist the danger on your evil lips
he kissed her gently she didn’t believe his sincerity it wasn’t reality it was a fucked up
you make me shake you make my earth quake i couldnt mistake a feeling like this its nothing like ive felt before
tweet retweet like&share but post your feelings
Far from perfect Nothing according to plan A happy disaster And then he held my hand Perfectly imperfect
mystical magical so irrational fairytale fantasy complete
a human can not marry a unicorn she will get hurt and die it will stab her heart out more painful than a knife shes blind to see
Dancing Flames Play a game Who will last the longest? Spit and spat the flame goes flat
you inspire my spirit by the moon with passionate feelings that burn like the rays of the sun