sexy & weird corkey and queer curly & crazy but ooh baby, she was cool.
eyes closed i can see with the mind running out of time but time is always running and we are standing still
The circumference of the full moon… permanently holds my gaze, can’t l… spell bound brainwashed losing control
he went ham on insta-gram postin mad pics of him nd some lady chicks some stoner beauty she was truly a sight to see
find yourself before finding others you can’t be loved if youre not proud to shout out loud
as the summer comes to an end, i send my vapor wishes to the fishes at the bottom of the sea
a human can not marry a unicorn she will get hurt and die it will stab her heart out more painful than a knife shes blind to see
Solar Cosmic Star Light Reflection Warm Perception Vitality
magnets magnetize energy energized from within then begins the mental journey
Patterns discovered Technology. Powers uncovered
perception is everything as stunning as gorgeous as a shiny new toy as absolutely heart wrenching
tweet retweet like&share but post your feelings
Far from perfect Nothing according to plan A happy disaster And then he held my hand Perfectly imperfect
picture perfect pixels ripple in reflection a mere mirror image blurred upon inspection
sweet powdered sugar snow decorates the frosty window my thoughts