you are the common denominator to… you make me not want to try to sol… i have no desire for what i desire… living with you has made life a bo… good bye i hope never to see you a…
our paths crossed in a peculiar kind of way random in reason more reason
clouds in space i chase my dreams so sweet victory
flims around noodling all day squiggle squirm like a worm among the flowers
because i like the way your lips f… the sincere strokes of your finger… the way you hold me the feeling of your feelings; rare… warmth radiates
let the dirt burn, leave behind the dust thats where it belongs along with his trust it was only lust
a vision a mirage hallucinate meditate gravitate
The sky covers the ground Bare Blank slate Branch statues Frozen in place Once reaching for
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life is good life is great when you meditate levitate
find yourself before finding others you can’t be loved if youre not proud to shout out loud
sexy & weird corkey and queer curly & crazy but ooh baby, she was cool.
Far from perfect Nothing according to plan A happy disaster And then he held my hand Perfectly imperfect
too easy to please you you’re easily bored you’re melting to gold
puzzle pieces that fit together without words in a blanket