picture perfect pixels ripple in reflection a mere mirror image blurred upon inspection
false hope wishful thinking it was nice knowing you ✌️ my ideal idea of a man now hes saying catch me if you can
time time will fly as time goes by people will die babies will cry
Mellow yellow Vibrant orange Orange vibes Energize Leafy stems
perception is everything as stunning as gorgeous as a shiny new toy as absolutely heart wrenching
Happy alone Lonely together Disappointing reality Imagination for the better Your words like a blanket
as the summer comes to an end, i send my vapor wishes to the fishes at the bottom of the sea
physical attraction satisfaction mental connection self reflection reflect
she didnt know how to take a picture without smiling down inside back behind
visualize spiritualize energize the energy that flows from plants
The sky covers the ground Bare Blank slate Branch statues Frozen in place Once reaching for
life is good life is great when you meditate levitate
the rays of moonlight fall from the sky to light the ripples of the tide just passing by the thunderous roars
empty playground no sound just me and my thoughts
eyes closed i can see with the mind running out of time but time is always running and we are standing still