Two drinks no more Run and blend of the colour. I decide to walk home, it’s cold,
There’s a man, who might have some sort of disord… playing with a chain, and blatantly taking of his mask. This old looking man
I wanna get good at expressing my… so that people can relate. Good with words and intonation, good with music and silence. I wanna be able to express
I find happiness in travel and forward movement, even if I don’t know where I’m go… The sound of the street, of people walking by,
Porque aunque apunto a la luna y toco el cielo, al ver que no llego al espacio me desespero.
Do I sleep and oversleep because it provides an escape from the pains of ordinary life, or rather because it allows me to wander off into my dreams,
Die Sonne scheint oben und runter rennt der Fluss Blutes durch die sandiges Staub. Das Schattenbild des grosses, sta… schwarz haariges Tier
Picture a key, Gold and shiny, With its ins and outs And its roundabouts. A key which is always
Estoy tirado viendo una serie cont… Y por mucho que a cada rato El video se quede parado, Siento que te tengo a mi lado. El tiempo pasa volando
I’m tired Yesterday I drank and smoked until I made myself a new hole
La luna se difumina en la noche, con sus claros cráteres de diferentes sombras de un gris amarillento. Desde mi ventana
Parados en el anden, que está lleno de gente corriendo para llegar a un tren que saldrá o no saldrá, pero todos llegarán a sus casas o a donde estén yendo. Cada uno de nosotros recorrer...
Time has past with altered age, Five and fifty all the same. A joke with friends to keep me tam… Balled up fists to spill my rage.
Then there is the good, but what good would good be if it didn’t have the bad to offse… The only thing pushing kindness forward,
It’s 3:30 in the morning and I spent the night dancing. I was dancing with you and with her, and then with them.