Parados en el anden, que está lleno de gente corriendo para llegar a un tren que saldrá o no saldrá, pero todos llegarán a sus casas o a donde estén yendo. Cada uno de nosotros recorrer...
Porque aunque apunto a la luna y toco el cielo, al ver que no llego al espacio me desespero.
Picture a key, Gold and shiny, With its ins and outs And its roundabouts. A key which is always
Upmost struggle Said only when there is trouble. We tried to hide it with a million… But can’t, it’ll come out in our d… our walk or expression.
I am a traveler without mention wonder the streets without directi… just waiting for the train to leav… And I might take the wrong lane or go the right way with the wrong…
Tengo el corazón encogido como el espejo de este mi baño, por el regalado daño de su excitado gemido. Se fue cuando me quede dormido,
When I was three I had a reason to be but didn’t need it. When I was nine I thought and whined
Antes el tiempo iba lento Pero mi mente andaba acelerada. Para todo había tiempo Pero yo no hacía nada Mentiría si te digo
La luna se difumina en la noche, con sus claros cráteres de diferentes sombras de un gris amarillento. Desde mi ventana
It’s 3:30 in the morning and I spent the night dancing. I was dancing with you and with her, and then with them.
I’m tired Yesterday I drank and smoked until I made myself a new hole
It is not the tip of the iceberg but the bottom that holds it afloa… that also which can sink your boat… The build up of every tear, every… of the feelings you don’t hear.
Die Sonne scheint oben und runter rennt der Fluss Blutes durch die sandiges Staub. Das Schattenbild des grosses, sta… schwarz haariges Tier
I spent the evening with my flatma… brushed my teeth, disinfected my ear and got into my pajamas I long for conversation.
I find happiness in travel and forward movement, even if I don’t know where I’m go… The sound of the street, of people walking by,