I have my first serious exam on T… or will it be Wednesday. I need to study a lot over the wee… but I’m not feeling the nervousnes… I felt when I was in school.
Two drinks no more Run and blend of the colour. I decide to walk home, it’s cold,
1. I admitted that I am powerless… 2. Came to believe that a Power g… 3. Made a decision to turn my will… 4. Made a searching and fearless m… 5. Admitted to my Muse, to my sel…
Today I felt as if I were lagging behind myself. Every step took effort, and felt wrong.
Diese Flasche ist ja leer ich stoppe den Verkehr Ich geh’ noch eine kaufen kann aber fast nicht laufen Ein Hund bellt
Parados en el anden, que está lleno de gente corriendo para llegar a un tren que saldrá o no saldrá, pero todos llegarán a sus casas o a donde estén yendo. Cada uno de nosotros recorrer...
I’m tired Yesterday I drank and smoked until I made myself a new hole
La luna se difumina en la noche, con sus claros cráteres de diferentes sombras de un gris amarillento. Desde mi ventana
Picture a key, Gold and shiny, With its ins and outs And its roundabouts. A key which is always
I get easily lost in the search fo… and thinking how I’ll enjoy all the good things that come with… In doing so, I fail at what I am… Momentarily I’m not there,
Do I sleep and oversleep because it provides an escape from the pains of ordinary life, or rather because it allows me to wander off into my dreams,
De golpe; Se me ha vaciado el pecho con la e… El tiempo corre; Y ahora mismo mi corazón se aceler… El ansia se alza sobre el timón
It’s 3:30 in the morning and I spent the night dancing. I was dancing with you and with her, and then with them.
I find happiness in travel and forward movement, even if I don’t know where I’m go… The sound of the street, of people walking by,
Calm, at altitude Almost floating with gratitude. The top, a consistent radiant whit… almost never seen.