Who claimed endings couldn't be beautiful?
Written at 3:47 am on 08/16/2015.
© L.J. Slaferek
I am drowning In fire And burning In water. The fire embraces me in a cold whi…
Thoughts collapse Mind full of gaps Can’t escape Pain takes shape Cuts on a wrist
Raging rivers of hurt Ending in Cascading waterfalls of sorrow That crash into A deep, dark lake of responsibilit…
Where do I go Where do I run When each breath means pain The pain of going on Which is far worse than
Sweet, sweet Nothing What could be more beautiful than… For Something is always Broken, Destroyed, Ruined, Who wouldn’t seek to pursue Nothi…
There lies a wooden cabin Just big enough for one With a garden full of every colour… Growing softly, surely in the dark… With a pond to one side
What is the most painful word? Is it hate? That abject raging emotion that… Hate can be fulfilled, one way or… Or maybe it’s sadness?
Why me? What am I? Where do I belong? When did it get this bad? Questions that I cannot answer
Night comes The darkness closes in On the form sleeping in the bed It cannot be stopped It will take another victim
'Tic Toc’' The clock struck one There is a young man Who did not feel so young Who envied a clock the time it had
Shadows all around Smothering the ground Scraping along the walls Of my mind A thing of darkness
The frost on the trees Glittering in the morning light A shroud of purest white Lies upon the field A blanket with the waves of a sea
Ice cold Nice cold, Frosty breath Chilling death. Burning flame
So cold, Why is it so cold? The air as I suck it in In gasping breaths After I have punched my knuckles…
The words on the pages blur Fading away in a mist A mist of tears, floods In a waterfall, Like so many drops of blood