Who claimed endings couldn't be beautiful?
Written at 3:47 am on 08/16/2015.
© L.J. Slaferek
The smile hides the tears The laugh conceals the pain The jokes save them from his suffe… “I’m fine” he says “I’m okay” he says
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I hate smiling, Because it’s always fake. I hate laughing, Because it’s always empty. I hate this heart,
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The words on the pages blur Fading away in a mist A mist of tears, floods In a waterfall, Like so many drops of blood
Why me? What am I? Where do I belong? When did it get this bad? Questions that I cannot answer
The Colours Are Almost Gone ‘Countless bursts of colours swim… Vivid explosions of expression That know no bounds That never had bounds
Tossing and turning in bed Whilst dark thoughts crawl in my h… Finding it impossible to fall asle… As the madness begins to creep Like a serpent slithering
The Sound of Nothing What sound does Nothing make? The sound of quiet A soothing sound Or a lonely one?
When you’re too tired to feel Too numb to care When there’s no one there To hold you close The Darkness obliges