SHE went along the road, Her baby in her arms, The night and its alarms Made deadlier her load. Her shrunken breasts were dry;
‘Susannah and Mary-Jane’ TWO little Darlings alone, Clinging hand in hand; Two little Girls come out To see the wonderful land!
LET him who toils, enjoy Fruit of his toiling. Let him whom sweats annoy, No more be spoiling. For we would have it be
‘HE holds a pistol to my head, Swearing he will shoot me dead, If he have not my purse instead, The robber!’ ‘He, with the lash of wealth and p…
WHERE is poor Jesus gone? He sits with Dives now, And his dogs flesh their teeth On Lazarus below. Where is poor Jesus gone?
THERE was a time when all thy so… To speak thy name, England, when Europe echoed back… Thy fearless fame: When Spain reeled shattered helpl…
(For the Australian Labour Feder… FLING out the Flag! Let her fla… With the ring of the wild swan’s w… her reedy lair. Fling out the Flag! And let frien…
’TIS not when I am here, In these homeless homes, Where sin and shame and disease And foul death comes; ’Tis not when heart and brain
THE stars shone faint through the… The church-bells were ringing; Three girls, arms laced, were pass… Tramping and singing. Their heads were bare: their short…
To a Workman, a would-be Suicide MAN of despair and death, Bought and slaved in the gangs, Starved and stripped and left To the pitiful, pitiless night,
(Brisbane) ‘A little Soldier of the Army of… BURY him without a word! No appeal to death; Only the call of the bird
YOU are at least a Man, of men a… You have a heart, and with that he… The race you come from is not gend… The filthy sty whose latest litter… Round England’s flesh-pots, gorge…
‘Chant of the Firemen’ ‘THIS is the steamer’s pit. The ovens like dragons of fire Glare thro’ their close-lidded eye… With restless hungry desire.
(A Memory of August, 1883) I STOOD in the ghastly gleaming… Of the dreadful river that rolls h… Woe; And mine eyes were heavy with slee…
CRUEL City, London, London, Where, duped slaves of devils’ cre… Men and women desperate, undone, Dream such dreams, and do such dee… London, London, cruel city,