(PARIS) I STOOD in Père-la-Chaise. The… Paris, the harlot of the nations,… The bug-bright thing that knows no… Flashing her bare shame to the sum…
(Melbourne) HERE to the parks they come, The scourings of the town, Like weary wounded animals Seeking where to lie them down.
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
(For the Ballarat statue of him) THIS is Scotch William Wallace… Who in dark hours first raised his… Who watched the English tyrant No… Steel-clad, with iron hoofs the S…
GIRLS, we love you, and love Asks you to give again That which draws it above, Beautiful, without stain. Give us weariless faith
(The friend my verse won for me) With a Copy of My 'Poetical Work… ‘TAKE with all my heart, friend,… The labour of my past, Though the heart here hidden is
SHRIEKS out of smoke, a flame o… That is not quenched but hath for… What writhes and dies not in its r… Two things made flesh, the visible… To match in filth the skunk, the a…
. . . They caught him at the bend.… Sat in the car, revolvers in their… From either side the stone-walled… There flashed thin fire-streaks in… The father swayed and fell, shot t…
SWEETEST, in desperate hours Of clouds and lightning and rain, You came like a vision of flowers And summer and song once again: You came, and I could not receive…
‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’ ‘Where the cold corpse rests,
All the heat and the glow and the… of the summer afternoon; the scent of the sweet-briar bush over bowing grass-blades and br… the birds that flit and pass;
O India, India, O my lovely land… At whose sweet throat the greedy… With fangs and lips that suck and… Clings, while around thee, band by… The loathsome shape twists, chaini…
(Sydney) ‘The Man of the Nation’ YONDER the band is playing And the fine Young People walk. They are envying each other and ta…
BEYOND the Night, down o’er the… I see light’s harbinger of day rel… Upon the false gleam of the ante-d… Lo, the fair heaven of sun-pursuin… Beyond the lampless sleep and peri…
THE stars shone faint through the… The church-bells were ringing; Three girls, arms laced, were pass… Tramping and singing. Their heads were bare: their short…