(A Memory of August, 1883) I STOOD in the ghastly gleaming… Of the dreadful river that rolls h… Woe; And mine eyes were heavy with slee…
. . . I went the other day To see the birds and beasts they k… In the London Zoo. One of the fi… One of the first I noticed, was a… Ragged, befouled, within his iron…
Who is it speaks of defeat?— I tell you a Cause like ours Is greater than defeat can know; It is the power of powers! As surely as the earth rolls round…
(Mindanao, Philippines) IN the dark waveless sea, Deep blue under deep blue, The fisher drifts by on the tide In his small pole-balanced canoe.
This is what I pray In this horrible day, In this terrible night, God will give me light. Such as I have had,
Lord Shaftesbury YOU have done well, we say it. Y… And, of the man that with the righ… Less than the left hand gives, let… He has done something for our wret…
THERE was a time when all thy so… To speak thy name, England, when Europe echoed back… Thy fearless fame: When Spain reeled shattered helpl…
O WE have loved you through cold… And pitiless frost, Consuming our offering of blood an… Gladly again and again and again, Though it all seemed lost,
ALOLL in the warm clear water, On her back with languorous limbs, She lies. The baby upon her breas… Paddles and falls and swims. With half-closed eyes she smiles,
BEYOND the Night, down o’er the… I see light’s harbinger of day rel… Upon the false gleam of the ante-d… Lo, the fair heaven of sun-pursuin… Beyond the lampless sleep and peri…
THE stars shone faint through the… The church-bells were ringing; Three girls, arms laced, were pass… Tramping and singing. Their heads were bare: their short…
In a Sampan (Min River, Fo Kien) Up in the misty morning, Up past the gardened hills, With the rhythmic stroke of the ro…
‘Susannah and Mary-Jane’ TWO little Darlings alone, Clinging hand in hand; Two little Girls come out To see the wonderful land!
All the heat and the glow and the… of the summer afternoon; the scent of the sweet-briar bush over bowing grass-blades and br… the birds that flit and pass;
TAKE, then, your paltry Christ, Your gentleman God. We want the carpenter’s son, With his saw and hod. We want the man who loved