(With his first book of 'Songs’) ‘MY Sweet, my Child, through all… Of dark and wind and rain, Where thunder crashes, and the lig… Sears the bewildered brain,
GRAVE this deep in your hearts, Forget not the tale of the past! Never, never believe That any will help you, or can, Saving only Yourselves!
Lord Shaftesbury YOU have done well, we say it. Y… And, of the man that with the righ… Less than the left hand gives, let… He has done something for our wret…
BEYOND the Night, down o’er the… I see light’s harbinger of day rel… Upon the false gleam of the ante-d… Lo, the fair heaven of sun-pursuin… Beyond the lampless sleep and peri…
I SAW them as they were born, Erect and fearless and free, Facing the sun and the wind Of the hills and the sea. I saw them naked, superb,
THRO’ the mists of years, Thro’ the lies of men, Your bloody sweat and tears, Your desperate hopes and fears Reach us once again,
(Melbourne) HERE to the parks they come, The scourings of the town, Like weary wounded animals Seeking where to lie them down.
‘Move on!’ ‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’
He asked me of my friend– “a cleve… Such various talent, business, jou… A pen that might some day have sen… From our greatest newspapers.”– “… All this,” I said.– “And yet he w…
I SEE a Land of desperate drough… I see a land where Need keeps spr… And all but giants perish in the s… I see a Land where more, and more… The demons, Earth and Wealth, gro…
‘BE with us by day, by night, O lover, O friend; Hold before us thy light Unto the end!’ See, all these children of ours
A Memory LITTLE elfin maid, Old, though scarce two years, With your big dark hazel eyes Tenderer than tears,
WHERE is poor Jesus gone? He sits with Dives now, And his dogs flesh their teeth On Lazarus below. Where is poor Jesus gone?
(Song of the American Sons of La… The Song O WE knew so well, dear Father, When we answered to your call, And the Southern Moloch stricken
FROM the dusty jaded sunlight of… Through the open bedroom window wh… palms, There came a sound of music, thril… That startled me from slumber with…