Francis Aparici

Glorious May

"O, the month of May, the merry month of May,
So frolic, so gay, and so green, so green, so green!
O, and then did I unto my true love say,
. . . thou shalt be my Summer's Queen."
—Thomas Dekker

A Sonnet to May
Here’s to the glorious stunning month of May
Nourished by beneficent April show’rs
Sprouts have become fragrant colorful flow’rs
Adding more beauty to the late spring day
May! sweet-scented lily of the valley
Blessed by Maia; of all months most favored
Its legion of blossoms must be savored
May’s radiant beauty, spring’s grand finale
Soon the pleasant balmy weather will fade
Summer heat doldrum days will come to pass
Blossoms will wilt under the sun, alas!
And hummingbirds will hide under the shade
But we’ll think of the glorious month of May
Refresh our spirits every single day!
© F Aparici

The cover photo was taken by yours truly in the tulip fields of Keukenhof, Netherlands on April 29, 2019


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