Look into my eyes That you may discern I pray Truth of what I say My love for you unending Beyond this world transcending
Buds on trees flow’ring With the mercury rising Soon will be blooming Crystal brook tinkling The sound of water flowing
center Wake up sweet darling Let the sun caress you And let me kiss your lips Sweet as morning dew
Yes, he’s smart, way smarter than… Not me of course; though that’s de… But now he’s departed to the other… A deep sadness I feel; it’s unavo… Rivals we weren’t, but we could ha…
An old photograph Once colorful But not anymore It’s all I have To remind me
From her hands the sun, The wisdom of the ages From her lips they flow In my universe Her words are nuggets of truth
Not a word spoken today Not a single person seen Just the four walls of my room Lonely, my whole world has been But I took flights of fancy
Joe Black, stay away Come again some distant day Rain check if I may Today gotta see my friends Say hello and make amends
Glacier covered peak Like hands in pray’r rising up To mystical heights Deep blue lake waters Robin’s egg sky up above
He flipped a coin, his resolve to… Heads, he doesn’t; tails, go forwa… Yes, full speed ahead; with all ha… It’s a toss-up; a challenge, an ex… But is it right? Leave everything…
I just saw a green hummingbird Right outside the kitchen window Of the red robins unafraid What a little spunky fellow Every day he comes to visit
surely, self-annihilation never an acceptable solution to a life filled with sadness, of great heartaches and pain to a broken spirit, a soul unforgi…
The last star fades out She’s the golden light of dawn The breath of heaven Soon she’ll colorize the skies With a brush that never lies
Dusk it was And the sky vermillion; I spy the… Dropping behind the nebulous blue… I walked along The unspoiled ivory beach, mind tr…
Not a Sonnet I was alone in the house, Saturda… About to nap; opted instead to be… The theme or the story? That I kn… A tragic tale; or newlyweds on a h…