Lady in Black, by Carl Vilhelm Holsøe

Satirical poem about love

Dear love

In the rapture of love’s embrace
Falls the golden mask of our face
To reveal a truth so stark and cold
That love itself seems like a fraud .
In the absence of passion’s blaze
We’re left with the drabness of our gaze
Staring blankly at each other’s eyes
Like a pair of sleepy puppies’
The thrill of the chase becomes a bore
As we wander aimlessly around the floor
Searching for the spark that once ignited our hearts
But now lies smoldering, a dying art
In the quiet of our whispers we hear
The scathing truth of our year’s-long fear
That love is but a temporary high
That fades with the dawn of each new day
In the darkness of our hearts’ despair
We seek solace in a bottle’s care
As we wonder if love’s a cruel joke
Or just a cruel fate that we must cope
For love’s not a journey without a map
But a winding road that leads to a crash
As we crash and burn with each passing year
In the ashes of a love-filled sphere
So, if you’re looking for a love so true
That’ll shine like a star in the night blue
Remember, the best thing you can do
Is to throw caution to the wind and flee
For love is a game of chance and bluff
That’ll leave you with nothing but a bruised soul
Or a bottle of wine to numb the pain
That love’s a cruel game, a sinister strain
So, if you’re a believer in love’s charms
Be prepared to suffer, be prepared to harm
For love is a curse, a cruel disguise
That’ll leave you with nothing but a tearful sigh.

Ah, love – the mysterious force that drives us to do both wonderful and foolish things. It's the subject of countless songs, poems, and novels, and yet, it remains as elusive and confusing as ever. Allow me to take a satirical stab at this most complex and confounding of emotions. Love is, of course, blind. But it's also deaf, dumb, and apparently has no sense of self-preservation. How else can you explain the things we do in the name of love? Like agreeing to spend every waking moment with someone who has a laugh that sounds like a dying walrus and a penchant for leaving dirty dishes in the sink? Oh, but when love strikes, reason flies out the window. We become willing to overlook even the most glaring of flaws, like a love of reality TV or an unhealthy obsession with pineapple on pizza. We tell ourselves that love will conquer all, that our passion will burn away any obstacles in its path. But, alas, love is not always enough. Sometimes, it turns out that our beloved has a dark secret, like a criminal past or an embarrassing collection of Beanie Babies. Or perhaps we simply realize that we have nothing in common beyond a mutual fondness for bad action movies. And so, we must part ways, our hearts broken and our dreams shattered. But fear not, for there is always another love waiting just around the corner. After all, as the great philosopher Taylor Swift once said, "We never go out of style." So, let us embrace love in all its absurdity, its heartache, and its joy. For what is life without a little foolishness and a lot of passion? Just remember to keep a bag packed, just in case.

# Love Believers False

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