
**Moments Bathed in Dreams**

When dreams cascade upon my waking mind,
I float amidst a reverie designed.
Each moment paints a canvas vibrant, bright,
As fantasies dance through the starry night.
Yet dreams, like whispers, evanescent fade,
And harsh reality’s embrace is made.
The wind’s caress, a gentle symphony,
Like love’s embrace, too fleeting, it cannot be.
I strive to hold the dream within my grasp,
To breathe its essence, dance with its soft gasp.
But moments, fickle mistress, take their flight,
And only memories linger in the night.
Though dreams may vanish like a morning mist,
Their beauty lingers, a poignant tryst.
In their ephemeral embrace, I find release,
A glimpse of paradise, a moment’s peace.
Autres oeuvres par ElidethAbreu...
