
**Love’s Embrace**

In grace’s light, I stand serene,
For love’s embrace, my heart has seen.
You love all souls with equal care,
As you have me, from sin’s snare.
In rhyme and reason, I proclaim,
Your love that knows nor blame nor shame.
From depths of sin, you lifted me,
A testament to your mercy free.
Your love, a beacon in the night,
Dispels the darkness, fills with light.
It guides my steps, my path made clear,
As I embrace the love you bear.
In every heart, your love resides,
A flame that flickers, never hides.
May we reflect your love abroad,
And spread its warmth with every word.
For in your love, we find our peace,
A refuge safe, where sorrows cease.
We praise your name, with heartfelt song,
For love eternal, ever strong.
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