#English #Victorians
There was an Old Man who said, ‘… I perceive a young bird in this bu… When they said, ‘Is it small?’ He replied, ‘Not at all! It is four times as big as the bus…
There was an Old Person of Ewell… Who chiefly subsisted on gruel; But to make it more nice He inserted some mice, Which refreshed that Old Person o…
She sate upon her Dobie, To watch the Evening Star, And all the Punkahs, as they pass… Cried, “My! how fair you are!” Around her bower, with quivering l…
There was an Old Man of Cape Hor… Who wished he had never been born; So he sat on a chair, Till he died of despair, That dolorous Man of Cape Horn.
There was an Old Man with a flute… A serpent ran into his boot; But he played day and night, Till the serpent took flight, And avoided that man with a flute.
O my aged Uncle Arly! Sitting on a heap of Barley Thro’ the silent hours of night, Close beside a leafy thicket: On his nose there was a Cricket,
There was an Old Man of Bohemia, Whose daughter was christened Eup… Till one day, to his grief, She married a thief, Which grieved that Old Man of Bo…
There was an Old Man on some rock… Who shut his wife up in a box; When she said, ‘Let me out!’ He exclaimed, ‘Without doubt, You will pass all your life in tha…
There was an old man of Thermopyl… Who never did anything properly; But they said, "If you choose, To… You shall never remain in Thermop…
There was an Old Person from Gre… Who rushed down the crater of Etn… When they said, ‘Is it hot?’ He replied, 'No, it’s not!' That mendacious Old Person of Gr…
They went to sea in a Sieve, they… In a Sieve they went to sea: In spite of all their friends coul… On a winter’s morn, on a stormy da… In a Sieve they went to sea!
On the Coast of Coromandel Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Two old chairs, and half a candle,
On the top of the Crumpetty Tree The Quangle Wangle sat, But his face you could not see, On account of his Beaver Hat. For his Hat was a hundred and two…
There was an Old Man of Apulia, Whose conduct was very peculiar He fed twenty sons, Upon nothing but buns, That whimsical Man of Apulia.
There was an Old Man who, when li… Fell casually into a Kettle; But, growing too stout, He could never get out, So he passed all his life in that…