#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
First Part Mr and Mrs Discobbolos Climbed to the top of a wall, And they sat to watch the sunset s… And to hear the Nupiter Piffkin c…
There was an Old Person from Gre… Who rushed down the crater of Etn… When they said, ‘Is it hot?’ He replied, 'No, it’s not!' That mendacious Old Person of Gr…
There was a Young Lady of Parma, Whose conduct grew calmer and calm… When they said, ‘Are you dumb?’ She merely said, ‘Hum!’ That provoking Young Lady of Par…
There was an Old Man with a beard… Who said, "It is just as I f… Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my b…
There was an Old Person of Tarta… Who divided his jugular artery; But he screeched to his wife, And she said, ‘Oh, my life! Your death will be felt by all Ta…
There was an Old Man of Vienna, Who lived upon Tincture of Senna; When that did not agree, He took Camomile Tea, That nasty Old Man of Vienna.
There was an Old Man on some rock… Who shut his wife up in a box; When she said, ‘Let me out!’ He exclaimed, ‘Without doubt, You will pass all your life in tha…
There was an Old Man of Peru, Who never knew what he should do; So he tore off his hair, And behaved like a bear, That intrinsic Old Man of Peru.
There was an old Lady of Winchels… Who said, ‘If you needle or pin s… On the floor of my room, Sweep it up with the broom!’ —That exhaustive old Lady of Winc…
There was an old man of Thermopyl… Who never did anything properly; But they said, "If you choose, To… You shall never remain in Thermop…
There was an Old Derry down Derr… Who loved to see little folks merr… So he made them a Book, And with laughter they shook, At the fun of that Derry down Der…
Cold are the crabs that crawl on y… Colder the cucumbers that grow ben… And colder still the brazen chops… The tedious gloom of philosophic p… For when the tardy film of nectar…
There was an Old Person of Chest… Whom several small children did pe… They threw some large stones, Which broke most of his bones, And displeased that Old Person of…
There was a Young Lady of Wales, Who caught a large fish without sc… When she lifted her hook She exclaimed, ‘Only look!’ That ecstatic Young Lady of Wale…