#English #Victorians
There was an Old Man of Jamaica, Who suddenly married a Quaker; But she cried out, ‘Alack! I have married a black!’ Which distressed that Old Man of…
There was a Young Lady whose chin… Resembled the point of a pin; So she had it made sharp, And purchased a harp, And played several tunes with her…
On a little piece of wood, Mr. Spikky Sparrow stood; Mrs. Sparrow sate close by, A-making of an insect pie, For her little children five,
There was an Old Man of Madras, Who rode on a cream-coloured ass; But the length of its ears, So promoted his fears, That it killed that Old Man of M…
There was an old man whose despair Induced him to purchase a hare: Whereon one fine day, He rode wholly away, Which partly assuaged his despair.
There was an Old Man of Kamschat… Who possessed a remarkable fat cur… His gait and his waddle Were held as a model To all the fat dogs in Kamschatka…
There was an Old Man of Bohemia, Whose daughter was christened Eup… Till one day, to his grief, She married a thief, Which grieved that Old Man of Bo…
There was a Young Lady of Ryde, Whose shoe-strings were seldom unt… She purchased some clogs, And some small spotted dogs, And frequently walked about Ryde
The was a Young Lady of Bute, Who played on a silver-gilt flute; She played several jigs, To her uncle’s white pigs, That amusing Young Lady of Bute.
center A was once an apple pie, Pidy Widy Tidy
There was an Old Person of Chest… Whom several small children did pe… They threw some large stones, Which broke most of his bones, And displeased that Old Person of…
Time is a taper waning fast! Use it, man, well whilst it doth l… Lest burning downwards it consume… Before thou hast commenced the lab… Time is a pardon of a goodly soil!
There was an Old Man of Cape Hor… Who wished he had never been born; So he sat on a chair, Till he died of despair, That dolorous Man of Cape Horn.
Delirious Bulldogs;—echoing calls My daughter,—green as summer grass… The long supine Plebeian ass, The nasty crockery boring falls;— Tom-Moory Pathos;—all things bare…
There was a Young Lady in White, Who looked out at the depths of th… But the birds of the air Filled her heart with despair, And oppressed that Young Lady in…