#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
There was an Old Man of Cape Hor… Who wished he had never been born; So he sat on a chair, Till he died of despair, That dolorous Man of Cape Horn.
There was an Old Man who said, ‘… Will nobody answer this bell? I have pulled day and night, Till my hair has grown white, But nobody answers this bell!’
There was a Young Lady of Wales, Who caught a large fish without sc… When she lifted her hook She exclaimed, ‘Only look!’ That ecstatic Young Lady of Wale…
There was an Old Man of Columbia… Who was thirsty, and called out fo… But they brought it quite hot, In a small copper pot, Which disgusted that man of Colum…
There was an Old Person of Leeds… Whose head was infested with beads… She sat on a stool, And ate gooseberry fool, Which agreed with that person of…
There was an Old Man in a boat, Who said, 'I’m afloat! I’m afloat… When they said, ‘No! you aint!’ He was ready to faint, That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
There was a Young Lady of Lucca, Whose lovers completely forsook he… She ran up a tree, And said, ‘Fiddle-de-dee!’ Which embarassed the people of Lu…
On the Coast of Coromandel Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Two old chairs, and half a candle,
A tumbled down, and hurt his… B said, "My Boy, O! do not c… C said, "A Cup of Coffee hot… D said, "A Doctor should be f… E said, "An Egg beat up in mi…
There was a Young Lady whose nose… Was so long that it reached to her… So she hired an Old Lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose.
There was an Old Man in a tree, Who was horribly bored by a bee. When they said “Does it buzz?” He replied “Yes, it does! It’s a regular brute of a bee!”
There was an Old Man with a owl, Who continued to bother and howl; He sat on a rail And imbibed bitter ale, Which refreshed that Old Man and…
There was a Young Lady of Sweden… Who went by the slow rain to Weed… When they cried, ‘Weedon Station!… She made no observation But thought she should go back to…
There was an Old Person of Spart… Who had twenty-one sons and one 'd… He fed them on snails, And weighed them in scales, That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was an Old Lady of Chertse… Who made a remarkable curtsey; She twirled round and round, Till she sunk underground, Which distressed all the people of…