#English #Victorians
There was an Old Man of the Nile… Who sharpened his nails with a fil… Till he cut out his thumbs, And said calmly, 'This comes Of sharpening one’s nails with a f…
There was an Old Man of Kildare, Who climbed into a very old chair; When he said,—'Here I stays,— till the end of my days,' That immovable Man of Kildare.
The Nutcrackers sate by a plate o… The Sugar-tongs sate by a plate a… And the Nutcrackers said, 'Don’t… ‘Along the blue hills and green me… ’Must we drag on this stupid exist…
There was an Old Man of Hong Kon… Who never did anything wrong. He lay on his back, With his head in a sack, That innocuous Old Man of Hong K…
There was an Old Person of Anerl… Whose conduct was strange and unma… He rushed down the Strand With a pig in each hand, But returned in the evening to An…
There was an Old Person of PhilÃ… Whose conduct was scroobious and w… He rushed up a Palm, When the weather was calm, And observed all the ruins of Phi…
center A was once an apple pie, Pidy Widy Tidy
There was an Old Man of Coblenz, The length of whose legs was immen… He went with one prance From Turkey to France, That surprising Old Man of Coble…
A was once an ant, Tiny, Busy, Speedy, Shiny
There was a Young Lady of Norway… Who casually sat on a doorway; When the door squeezed her flat, She exclaimed, ‘What of that?’ This courageous Young Lady of No…
There was an Old Man of Peru, Who never knew what he should do; So he tore off his hair, And behaved like a bear, That intrinsic Old Man of Peru.
There was an Old Man of Kamschat… Who possessed a remarkable fat cur… His gait and his waddle Were held as a model To all the fat dogs in Kamschatka…
There was an Old Person of Leeds… Whose head was infested with beads… She sat on a stool, And ate gooseberry fool, Which agreed with that person of…
There was an Old Lady whose folly Induced her to sit in a holly: Whereupon by a thorn Her dress being torn, She quickly became melancholy.
There was an Old Man of the Nort… Who fell into a basin of broth; But a laudable cook, Fished him out with a hook, Which saved that Old Man of the…