I can’t speak for the women attending this conference on Homeland Security. They’re scholars, too, brought here for their expertise.
The average man looks at himself in the mirror 23 times a day, the average woman 16 times a British survey reports. Men look to “admire” themselves,
In two more hours I’ll have to sh… shave and coffee-prop my lids and otherwise prepare for day. It’… and now the barkeep, Griggs, is rushing me, the first
Sometimes she sits there and listens to him. Sometimes he sits there and listens to her. Sometimes they know
Books covered in dust are stacked from floor to ceiling. Screens light up the house. Donal Mahoney
Willie has mixed emotions about homeless Syrians coming to America but his wife Millie says we should take them in.
The priest had been here earlier a… and relatives and friends in singl… “Sorry for your troubles,” one by… bending over Maggie Murphy, silen… a foot or so from Paddy, resplende…
Some say when daffodils shoot up Spring is here. It’s safe to put away your boots and shovels.
They got along fine lying down but sitting up or standing, well that was quite another thing. Talking made things worse. Lying down they found
Blooming for one day a lily welcomes the sun. Bumblebees drop in. Donal Mahoney
Sheep are by a goat while cattle are like swine, prodded, ye… cattle go by hammer while swine are by the hind leg hung then swung about to spigot.
Only the blind man with his leader dog and tapping cane stops when the homeless man standing near the curb
In the summer of 1956, any Saturday at midnight when the moon was full and the stars were bright, you would see Grandma Groth
It isn’t a flophouse where Fred lives now but he calls it that a month after moving in and seeing his fellow
It’s a retirement haven for people with money but it works like a Roach Motel. People move i… but never move out. You and your wife move in to