Strong man Samson told Delilah seven locks of hair were the secret of his strength
Only the blind man with his leader dog and tapping cane stops when the homeless man standing near the curb
They were refugees, too, back in the Forties, settled in Chicago, learned English, some a lot, some a little,
America has two kinds of migrants, those with money and those with hope, a farmer’s wife told me the day I stopped to buy some eggs.
We worry so much because we’re nice people. We want to find a way to feed the poor house the poor
He’s Brad and he’s captain of the football team. He’s been chosen prom king and has a scholarship to college. Everything’s going well for him
Everyone who has money should drop it in a vat and anyone who needs money should take what they need a Swede, a Dane and two
Raul is a kind man who plays marimba in a salsa band at LA clubs late into the night. Some afternoons he plays
Three sisters single in their 40s gather 'round the fire on a night of thunder to figure out which sister
On Saturday mornings several bowed citizens gather on the sidewalk outside the clinic to read the Bible and pray.
Jim Daley and Joe McCarthy had something in common. They died at 80 going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Walt O’Brien, their protege, found this out when he called the home...
For years Rocky’s Diner had always done a great business for breakfast and lunch but his dinner business had fallen off recently as folks moved to the suburbs, got married, died or simp...
“Screw the Vernal Equinox” is all Cootie Kelly ever says sitting triumphant with his foaming glass of Guinness on the last stool at Maggie’s
I started reading the paper early in grammar school to find the sports scores. It was fun for a child hoping to play
Being bipolar isn’t easy but it’s tougher when you’re poor and have to walk rather than ride