After services on Sunday the old Marlboro man puts his Bible under his arm and talks to his pastor through a hole in his neck.
Jimmy and Billy, two young men in kindergarten, went home from school every day just before noon. They lived in a small town in Nebraska, in the middle of farm country. It was the 1950s...
A woman was seated next to me as we waited for the debate to sta… The candidates were late taking th… She said she shouldn’t have come because she couldn’t vote for eith…
Standing in line behind a father and his little boy waiting to reach the register
It’s your anniversary so you’re thinking steak but your wife wants ramen so you go to a nice place and order the fancy ramen
When we were kids growing up in the city we had prairies and a little hill and we’d put Stevie
“Damn the vernal equinox! Full speed ahead!” is all that Cootie Murphy would ever say when he sat on the last stool at the end of the bar in The Stag & Doe Inn. He wouldn’t say it very ...
Freddie and Fern were an old couple, a very old couple if truth be told, but on the matter of age, the truth seldom surfaced. Their kids were grown and gone and had families of their ow...
I should have said yes, meet you anywhere you want for lunch, even that greasy spoon with the lousy chili and corn dogs… Every five years or so we meet
Memories never go away. They’re visitors from yesterday arriving unannounced often to a mixed reception. Faces aren’t clear but
Willie in his 80s now hadn’t made sense in years. His wife understood his grunts from the recliner where she propped him up
The poor are hungry in America. Their numbers would fill stadiums throughout this prosperous land. And feral cats are running wild, eating songbirds in our yards,
She’s not young, his wife. They’ve been together 40 years but when she gardens in her shorts and he’s lying in his hammock she’… a lovely sight to see so when she
I love my wife and so I licked it lovingly at the very tip the ice cream cone she got me when I’d
Spider in the sink this early autumn morning swirls in a whirlpool Donal Mahoney