The question isn’t why your little world is suddenly going to hell. The question is what can you do about
I learned a murmuration is a flock of starlings whirling and turning in the sky, changing directions in a second, flying back again, blackening
On Sundays Walter gives Pastor J… magazines to read along with comments on his sermons. The pastor loves the magazines but Walter is leaving for another…
If he were in high school they’d call him a bully and take him to the principal’s office for counseling.
What if after Browne has gone one of us discovers who Browne was… leads the rally to his room before the maid has time to broom the web… retrieve from underneath the bed
We see stories on the internet that are simply fake news, many of them malicious as well. It’s hard to tell the difference but a single sentence found
Wally and Stan neighbors on the same block for 30 years never had a problem until Wally asked Stan over
She speaks the truth as she always has in 40 years of marriage especially when she’s lost in making dinner
Yours is the first email I opened… I appreciate your suggested revisi… to send the work back once I’ve ma… I can tell you spent a lot of time… I’m afraid, however, that I can’t…
Willie has mixed emotions about homeless Syrians coming to America but his wife Millie says we should take them in.
Tommy is the only man for miles around who can knot a ti… Old farmers come to town on Satur… and wave from pickups with respect when they see Tommy on the street
Standing in line behind a father and his little boy waiting to reach the register
Fred and Martha have always voted the same way since their marriage long ago but not this time and Fred wondered why Martha was voting the other way
A lovely neighborhood this Sunday afternoon is rocked again by random gunshots. The shots make Bertha wonder, as she sips tea in her old rocker,
Our house has a garret I never went up to until I retire… Now I’m up there almost every day unless I have to stay in bed until another spell passes.