White privilege it’s called and re… I learned its name although I’ve… white as a sheet for decades. Like breathing and eating I take white privilege for granted.
Dreams I can’t remember cause a conflagration fire hoses can’t put out. Dreams I can recall arrive in technicolor.
The man in the ER, sutured and bandaged, told the nurse there wasn’t anyone she could call to give him a lift home.
It started with a smirk she managed to arrest. It returned seconds later in a sneer she pulled back but then it appeared again
They laugh at him because he’s weak by their standards but they don’t realize they’ve signed a
A poor man comes to the door after the storm last winter and asks if he can have something to eat if he shovels the walk. You say forget about the snow.
Sending out an address change to a friend I haven’t seen in 50 years, I say my wife and I are moving someplace new next month
Old Tim writes poetry now in his heaven of retirement. He’s had nice jobs over the years but swears retirement is better.
In two more hours I’ll have to sh… shave and coffee-prop my lids and otherwise prepare for day. It’… and now the barkeep, Griggs, is rushing me, the first
What we are not who we are matters to the world. Who we are not what we are
He publishes poems by writers who find no publishers elsewhere. They suffer rejection and he gives them hope.
Three times a day a train roars through a field a farm away booming like an Angus bull looking for companionship.
“Tell Pablo I cannot see!” says the man in the Picasso painti… as I pass by, program in hand. The man has a hairy nose where each of his ears should be.
It’s almost time for the Academy… Theaters are showing their best mo… and someone I know wants to go. I used to pay 15 cents to see Roy… in black and white cowboy up on Tr…
Pastor Homer is a jealous man and Opal gives him fits through 40 years of marriage dancing, laughing kissing other men