After the TV mavens had their say the gnomes crept out of their cave… spoke and returned to their caves. Thunder struck, hell broke loose and the mavens came back on TV
Two doves on a telephone wire wait tor the blue jays to finish e… bread put out for the birds. When the jays arrived, sparrows fled into the trees
He’s a vet from Vietnam who won’t say much about what happened over there except to say his problem began with Agent Orange,
Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
When Martha gets home from cooking class this afternoon, Martin will be gone after 30 years of marriage. Martha won’t know why
Phil doesn’t go to church but after midnight he enjoys watching preachers on TV swing their bibles in the air, march across the stage, yell
Fancy spam emails I don’t mind nor the ones cobbled in broken English from someone who says he’s with a bank overseas
Ruth’s at an age where she’s happy to sit in the sun under a patio umbrella and watch a line of ants
Melanie is from a small town and finds a job in a big city and meets Bill, the man she wants… marry so she calls Alice, her sist… older and married, for advice.
Melba comes home from the grocery… She was walking away from the dair… He was there with a pregnant girl… He said to Melba, “Ma’m, is this… Melba told him it was margarine.
Beautiful fall day in a potter’s field outside a small town. A funeral is underway but that doesn’t stop
Blooming for one day a lily welcomes the sun. Bumblebees drop in. Donal Mahoney
There’s a force that makes a boulder hard to push up a hill. And there’s always a boulder and always a hill when it comes to helping the poor find something
I have to hope America can trust and welcome them especially parents hiding children
Thirty years I’ve lived in Missou… with its major threat for an earth… So far no problems but experts say the big one could arrive any day. California’s lovely but with its q…