The old priest who won’t retire despite his bishop’s hints rides his bike around the parish every day for exercise. He waves and smiles at everyone
Her corded belt python tight around a tiny waist makes her blooms bigger brighter as they unfold
It boils down to this. There are two kinds of people in Upper Slobovia at the moment, those who prefer hard-boiled eggs chopped in their potato salad
It’s a disgusting thing but Paddy Gilhooley, who knew better as a child, had begun farting in church very early in life. He started in grammar school, many decades ago, long before the ...
We do our best to avoid the Zika Virus. We smack mosquitoes and avoid tanned folks just back from two weeks in the tropics.
You had to have a Schwinn to lead this pack of boys riding bikes full speed baking under the Chicago sun laughing after senior year
Mrs. O’Malley from across the alley has another small job for my father to do which makes my mother
Thunder and lightning at first, as I understand it, and then the moon will split in half and disappear and the stars will go dark
On their honeymoon he asked her not to sit down. Might bruise the peaches. Donal Mahoney
We have one of those medical plans… my wife and I. The co-pays let us see a doctor, have a procedure, pay for medications. Can’t remembe… ever paying full price. Especially
Every day the same play. The moment I rise, the first act begins, the same plot
A little boy from the city down on the farm for a day wanders away to look at the sheep and finds a bull
Lamentations loud amid the tears following Orlando. Another call to take guns from people
The Nazis call her Hilda, this ancient woman who makes a simple living in a bathroom in Berlin giving high colonics
They’re the oldest couple my wife and I know and we’re no pups either. Peter out for a walk leans on his cane often