Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
Holiday Parties Millie comes home bawling from another holiday party and Willie asks what’s the problem. Millie says her friends are cheese…
Every time we have a big election in America, my wife of many years asks me if I’m going to vote in the primary although she knows I never do because one has to decl…
The alarm clock screams at 5 a.m. and I get up to attend a funeral 50 miles away, a long drive back to a corner of Chicago once rife with corned beef and cabbage but
Let’s not worry about it, Dearie, life gets better, life gets worse. We’re no different than the seasons of the year except we’re luckier than most having
Every morning before the sun comes up there’s a feral cat on our deck waiting for a can of Fancy Feast. It’s been that way for years.
Martin, a very senior citizen, wants to get a bucket and knife and go hunt up some greens in a field in Alabama. But in spite of his yearnings for a big bowl of greens, he knows his wif...
It will be a while before Fred’s hometown has its annual food drive, he told me. That’s an important event because it helps stock the pantry at the small charity where he volunteers. Ri...
I never think about bison. After all, I live in St. Louis, why should I? But when I went hunting for quail in Montana
She was old already when you had her in 8th grade and she said you should sit in the first seat third row right in front of her for
Far from the city way out in the country a hot afternoon in high summer as we drive down a bumpy road bouncing one mail box past
No red kettles and bells this December outside the stores at the mall in our suburbs this year. They irritate shoppers,
In my all-boys school sixty years ago there were two boys who were different. All four years they walked to classes together, books
If he were perfect he wouldn’t be Dan the Handyman, laying tile in crooked rows,
An article in the paper reports something one doesn’t see happen in America very often. Eighty billionaires, millionaires and others close to that level