Not a leaf left on the crabapple t… instead little red apples hang like ornaments on a Christmas tree… Little red apples that spend most of the winter covered with sn…
After Saturday tennis I came home took a nap and woke up dizzy had trouble walking. My balance was off so I went to bed and slept 20 hours
Vacillating Benny, an ancient che… now retired from Monsanto, must de… if a poem his friend Ron has sent… is good enough for his hobby journ… Benny finally decides to let the p…
Seeing is believing smart people often tell me but no one ever told me believing is seeing
When a young woman like that sails into the conference room, all masts billowing, there’s nothing the men around the table can do
Six months ago an old black couple moved into an old brick house on a block of old white people. A dither erupted over the fences
Sometimes you sit for days sucking yourself in praying the right words will fall in your ear toboggan over the whorls
Wally Anderson, father of three daughters, was not pleased after reading an email from Shelly, his eldest, a week before Father’s Day. He thought she might be coming to visit for the ho...
He remembers loving her lost in an orchard peaches, pears, apricots falling on his head every day
They are a certain way certain ladies are today no matter where they are summer, fall winter, spring even
The mug of tea I drank at dawn, the tea that drove me to the train needs a refill.
When a man’s young, this work is hard but it pays well and he can feed the wife and kids.
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
It wasn’t long after her mother died my wife asked if her father could live with us. We had an empty apartment upstairs. Dad wouldn’t be much trouble, she said. He was old now and had d...
I was just a boy but I remember Hitler at the start and how too few understood his plan to