Ruth’s at an age where she’s happy to sit in the sun under a patio umbrella and watch a line of ants
First, we place the neck on the bl… and put the basket underneath the head and then make sure the bl… is sharp enough before we ask the… one more time just to be polite:
The two weeks I spent in that small town on assignment, I saw no blacks except for two older women regal in every way,
The hands on the atomic clock upstairs finally stopped spinning. As you know, my dear, the hands have been spinning for two weeks. This morning the clock stopped
An old friend lost an old friend the other day. Jim said they were both getting up in years and he just happened to outlast Herman. Jim was black and Herman was white but that had never...
Harley turned 70 the other day and died riding his motorcycle through a pink dawn,
After two thousand years we still have folks who blame the Jews for killing Christ even though Pilate the Gentile could have
Ralph never planned on dying but when he did, he was swept away like a child’s kite blown astray. When he arrived at his destination… he heard angels singing, harps pla…
She could sing, dance, and act but picking a man was a problem. She didn’t complain or explain just worked hard for the money, an Unsinkable Molly Brown.
Far away and long ago stuff happened in Gramps’ life that he’d like to forget but he can’t, even though he can’t always remember what he had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But anything...
This morning Len sections his bre… with the knife he bought in Paris… on his honeymoon. He bought it fro… at a street market selling every k… beautiful creations he said he mad…
Summer evenings after the news at 6 p.m. the Widow Murphy comes out of her tiny bungalow and sits on her front porch swing
Hearts are stopping faster than usual among people I know and people I don’t married to other people
I started reading the paper early in grammar school to find the sports scores. It was fun for a child hoping to play
It isn’t a flophouse where Fred lives now but he calls it that a month after moving in and seeing his fellow