You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
It’s not the same as seeing the po… in Bangladesh on PBS and hearing Gwen or Judy tell us about them b… the poor in Bangladesh scream in s… brown and gaunt and hollow-eyed.
Bug no bigger than a comma scales the wall next to my recliner. He’s climbing
I have a friend, old and retired, who keeps busy helping the poor. Let’s call him Ted because he wants to remain anonymous. Some of his ideas, he says, wouldn’t make many of his neighbo...
He doesn’t understand distressed j… Designer jeans with rents and tear… look like the rags he grew up in wearing other people’s discards. His mother got his jeans from a ch…
Pistols in holsters very early this morning. She’s wearing a bra Donal Mahoney
Old Sam in Room 322 at the nursing home asked the nurse to push his bed near the window because in October he likes to watch the l…
When my neighbor told me over the fence a month ago the doctor said she had two years to live,
Willie has mixed emotions about homeless Syrians coming to America but his wife Millie says we should take them in.
Everyone who has money should drop it in a vat and anyone who needs money should take what they need a Swede, a Dane and two
I get an email every day from a man I don’t know and doesn’t know me. Many people receive blind copies of his emails.
Roscoe and two cousins rented a va… and drove to Mississippi for the f… of another cousin they grew up wit… It took six hours to get where three old men didn’t want to go
It’s not good when two disturbed p… with little in common disagree by… on something important. Tone and content can get raucous and make matters worse because eac…
The doctor tells Phil and his wif… he’s in pretty good health for a m… his age but he needs to exercise. And Phil says he agrees and then goes on to explain
If he were in high school they’d call him a bully and take him to the principal’s office for counseling.