You have to have regulations in any industry, the hog farmer told the slaughter house CEO visiting his farm that day. Otherwise raising hogs
A tragedy happened to Willie and Millie after years of marriage… All their kids were doing well and had nice families of their own but tragedy struck one dawn before
A group of older men gather once a week to talk about life after a heart attack. Old Len chews tobacco still and tells jokes in a voice so low
Granny watches nature in the city from her window after the nurse takes her tray away. She likes to watch the bird feeder grandson Ahmad hung for cardinals,
Took the wife to a pancake house the other day. National franchise good food
When you have an hour to live what matters then is Christ in a pyx in the vest pocket
Things are quiet here, a friend wr… in the first email of his long lif… Most mornings I drive to Gillson… sit and read beside the Lake. The waves are a symphony.
I’m on my way to Larry’s Place, a food pantry in the city. I park a block away because parking in front of Larry’s isn’t wise even if one drives
In a life with many valleys and a few mountaintops Alvin has met many people he thought were normal and others he thought not.
Holiday Parties Millie comes home bawling from another holiday party and Willie asks what’s the problem. Millie says her friends are cheese…
Evil without we worry about but not so much evil within, parent to evil without. Evil within, once called sin,
After all the tests and the doctor’s explanation she thinks of them not as 20 points of cancer but as 20 rusty nails
Aaron loves the show on television about antiques. Tonight they have a Grecian vase worth close to a million dollars. Aaron has stuff in the basement
November’s lovely in the rain, she… from her rocker near the window to no one in particular although the butler’s waiting for her groce… having walked her Pekingese.
As autumn turns colder there’s only one moth fluttering at midnight around the porch light. He’s the last of the flock