The poor are hungry in America. Their numbers would fill stadiums throughout this prosperous land. And feral cats are running wild, eating songbirds in our yards,
If I hadn’t died, I’d still be bouncing along in that Greyhound bus through the mountains swigging a Coke.
He saved money for years to vacation in the Everglades because he has degrees in the study of reptiles. He’s an expert at the zoo.
The others, of course, are more ra… but less apt to show it. Whenever I strike, I never romp o… I stand with the wrist that I’ve… from the lady locked in my teeth
It isn’t a flophouse where Fred lives now but he calls it that a month after moving in and seeing his fellow
Ralph never planned on dying but when he did, he was swept away like a child’s kite blown astray. When he arrived at his destination… he heard angels singing, harps pla…
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
Sometimes a woman leaves a man for another man or just leaves. Sometimes a woman
Someday you’ll be in bed dying like I am now and people you love and some you don’t will come by to say good-bye. They don’t know what to say because we’re all amat…
And so I’ll tell old Max, and maybe he will listen, it’s time to call the plumber in and tell him,
Grandpa has a grandson he hopes will win a scholarship to meet the high cost of college. He tells his grandson to learn how to play the tuba and apply
Paul’s in his backyard on a Sunday afternoon barbecuing burgers. His wife and kids are hungry in the house.
I’m amazed at the difference between my friend and me. His response to life is so different from mine. I live deep in the city
It boils down to this. There are two kinds of people in Upper Slobovia at the moment, those who prefer hard-boiled eggs chopped in their potato salad
When Fred was a boy, he heard his… talk about Grandpa going to town d… to sell the bounty of his harvest. On his farm he had eggs, butter an… vegetables and meat. He’d buy suga…