This morning I woke up early feelin’ good, feelin’ the way I felt 50 years ago, no aches, no pains, can’t wait to shower, hop on the El, go back to work,
I’ll have to ask some preacher what if he comes when it’s inconvenient when I’m bowling or lifting a stein of lager
Widow in a rocker pets her calico cat long strokes slowly. With the cat purring and the widow humming
What will she do with him? That is, if she’s elected. She’ll have to take him with her to the White House after keeping him in the doghouse.
I look in the mirror and I’m not… Where did I go? I don’t know so I look around and see my wife with the dogs and kids. Not one of them sees me.
They’re usually poor people, sometimes considered the flotsam of society, always in the way at the grocery store,
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
If I owned a magazine I’d publish folks who agree with me as long as they remained abstract,
Redbud and dogwood have blossomed above the tulips and jonquils wher… Alice’s house used to be. A possum and raccoon nose around where the garage was before the to…
You love your grandson, this blue bundle in your arms. There’s no doubt about that. He has peaches for cheeks and the sky’s in his eyes
A gray summer day the sun is on vacation sunflowers hang their heads Donal Mahoney
A doctor by day Ralph spends his nights ordering tulip bulbs from Holland beautiful and rare
According to reports certain White House interns past, present and future are asking Americans not to vote for Hillary
In America we say we get the government we deserve. That’s been true for the past eight years.
They laugh at him because he’s weak by their standards but they don’t realize they’ve signed a