He doesn’t understand distressed j… Designer jeans with rents and tear… look like the rags he grew up in wearing other people’s discards. His mother got his jeans from a ch…
Ringing in the ears has no cure. It’s called tinnitus and you can pronounce it the way it looks or the way
July in the streets of Mexico City: One of the women one never would marry. One of the women one sees
On the table by the window balanced on its spine this leaflet butterfly open and still as a
Jack, age 6, loves the iPad he uses in kindergarten. He already navigates the net to some degree. But when he accompanied his father to the Post Office, he sat quietly on a bench and re...
It may have been the devil himself who prompted the kids in my schoolyard back in 1947 to chant “Patsy Foley’s roly-poly from eating too much ravioli.” At first, no one could remember w...
Wally Anderson, father of three daughters, was not pleased after reading an email from Shelly, his eldest, a week before Father’s Day. He thought she might be coming to visit for the ho...
All that hair trapped in a braid silver to the waist Opal this morning nude in the mirror
Jesus, can we talk? Some folks say you’re coming back any day now but many of them have been saying that for years. They say it could happen tomorrow, or maybe next week, and they’ve al...
Hearts are stopping faster than usual among people I know and people I don’t married to other people
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
Martin, a very senior citizen, wants to get a bucket and knife and go hunt up some greens in a field in Alabama. But in spite of his yearnings for a big bowl of greens, he knows his wif...
No one goes to the patio now except at night when Ann goes out to spread old bread and sunflower seed on the small table for birds
If smiles had echoes all the world would hear Grandma’s bouncing off the stars Donal Mahoney
Christmas lights ring the house and carols play. Todd decorates his grand Victorian