Sheep are by a goat while cattle are like swine, prodded, ye… cattle go by hammer while swine are by the hind leg hung then swung about to spigot.
The last visitor before I sleep is always the old priest puffing up the stairs to my door, a wine cask under each arm, a loaf of pumpernickel in his teet…
I used to be flexible about meetings at work. Change the hour of a meeting, no problem for me.
My wife’s upset because I won’t answer the phone in the middle of the night even though the phone’s on my side of the bed.
It’s a very busy drug store with seats along the wall where folks who wait for refills sit and sometimes chat but as I discover you can
Six men were sitting at the table in the Day Room, as they call it, at the Whitehall Rest Home. They were playing poker and they had a newcomer in their midst. It was Bill, a retired fa...
Old Sam in Room 322 at the nursing home asked the nurse to push his bed near the window because in October he likes to watch the l…
Christmas is now the Holidays. But Hanukkah is still Hanukkah and Ramadan is still Ramadan. Easter still has its name. The media needs more time
Grandpa has a grandson he hopes will win a scholarship to meet the high cost of college. He tells his grandson to learn how to play the tuba and apply
There’s a force that makes a boulder hard to push up a hill. And there’s always a boulder and always a hill when it comes to helping the poor find something
The problem is, Priscilla grew up in a penthouse having parties whil… Biff came of age under a bridge fighting other trolls, he remember… When Pris calls his office and sa…
Back in 1957 kissing Carol Ann behind the barn in the middle of a windswept field
Take it from Martin, if you live in an old house, as much as you love it, bad things happen Despite maintenance,
A refugee from another country tel… people thrive on proving their bel… more than understanding one anothe… They will let a stereotype fall on… like a cheap dress as long as it f…
Old Sam on his deathbed says he’d rewrite his life if he could. He’d do so many things differently… be nice to all his wives if he cou… but luckily they had died before h…