There are poems everywhere but you have to find them, a teacher told my class long ago. I was a kid sitting at a desk, cowlicks sprouting from my scalp,
Jack, age 6, loves the iPad he uses in kindergarten. He already navigates the net to some degree. But when he accompanied his father to the Post Office, he sat quietly on a bench and re...
It’s a very busy drug store with seats along the wall where folks who wait for refills sit and sometimes chat but as I discover you can
Find the book and blow the dust off. It’s somewhere in the house.
You have to be married at least 30 years to know what your wife is thinking before she says it aloud. More than 40 years to know
Lamentations loud amid the tears following Orlando. Another call to take guns from people
There are a lot of people like me neither rich nor poor, idling in the middle who have never wante… for anything in our lives. We were reared by parents
Each morning I step from the train and march with the others leaving the station. The weatherman’s warned of rain
After 50 years Wilma at her class reunion thinks Waldo’s changed with age that he’s nice now, not the snake she wed
It’s one thing to work in an office because your skills say you must. It’s another to want to hang out with
Vacillating Benny, an ancient che… now retired from Monsanto, must de… if a poem his friend Ron has sent… is good enough for his hobby journ… Benny finally decides to let the p…
Middle of the night someone’s in the house. Can’t be the wife asleep next to you. She’ll be mad
He looks for you until you find him while you wonder if he’s there Donal Mahoney
Walter Branham, a retired teacher, and his wife Victoria went to Applebee’s, the chain restaurant, for lunch one day last week. First time they had gone there. Usually they go to an eth...
Paul’s not a veteran of Vietnam but he goes there in his dreams to watch his brother Tim walk in hazy streams sprayed with Agent Orange before he