His wife takes him to dinner as she always does on his birthday wearing bright red lipstick, a color she detests but he likes.
The hands on the atomic clock upstairs finally stopped spinning. As you know, my dear, the hands have been spinning for two weeks. This morning the clock stopped
When you’re a pharmacist you don’t ask customers how they’re doing. You know from the meds they pick up
November’s lovely in the rain, she… from her rocker near the window to no one in particular although the butler’s waiting for her groce… having walked her Pekingese.
He likes people if they are useful. Women are useful. Employees are useful. Voters are useful.
“Tell Pablo I cannot see!” says the man in the Picasso painti… as I pass by, program in hand. The man has a hairy nose where each of his ears should be.
I know this story to be true because I know Ruben and he wouldn’t lie even though Ruben and I have never met. He lives in Alabama in a hollow and I live in St. Louis. But that makes no ...
Next to me on the train going home to the suburbs is another guy stuck in a suit reading his paper, a normal-looking guy
What if after Browne has gone one of us discovers who Browne was… leads the rally to his room before the maid has time to broom the web… retrieve from underneath the bed
Liberal or conservative the questionnaire asks about migrants. Fred’s in the middle. Asked about The Wall
America has had presidents who will be remembered as much for what they said as for what they did. Americans will never forget
One by one young nurses crisp in their white caps bring the old folks out crumpled in their wheelchairs from this towering building
And so I’ll tell old Max, and maybe he will listen, it’s time to call the plumber in and tell him,
Made in America means different things to different people. In 1998 they made our old Camry in Japan.
Young hummingbird swirls and darts to the red feeder. Black cat waits below. Donal Mahoney