a haiku
“Screw the Vernal Equinox” is all Cootie Kelly ever says sitting triumphant with his foaming glass of Guinness on the last stool at Maggie’s
Dubville used to be a quiet town, not that much was going on. The young would move to the city after high school… The elderly would stay because
After Yeats and Heaney, you wonder when the new one will come galloping out of Dublin or perhaps from yet another farm
You find old poems in the attic in a box with the Remington Rand you wrote them on in the Sixties before computers were born. They were published then in little
With a smile, the POTUS tangoes in Argentina while in Belgium and the rest of the World people try not to cry.
I never remember year to year but then some morning in March I’ll walk out in the yard
For some nervous wrecks a pill or two might help. For others
Being poor on our patch of land was better than being poor all the years I’ve lived in the ci… We had a couple of cows, a rooster and seven hens.
Evil without we worry about but not so much evil within, parent to evil without. Evil within, once called sin,
Couples age and a sign of age is w… the husband hires someone to shove… and the wife hires a cleaning lady… Sometimes the wife doesn’t like th… and the husband doesn’t like the c…
I was warm and toasty, curled up, napping in amniotic fluid, without a worry when suddenly
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
The media is brimming with reports about the legacy of Barack Obama. He’s accomplished so much it’s tough for experts to name his signature achievement.
Three times a day a train roars through a field a farm away booming like an Angus bull looking for companionship.
Julie owns a cat that roams. Recently he’s been stopping at Jack and Brenda’s house where Brenda’s mourning her cat’s death. Brenda cries except when Julie’s…