It’s climate change, the professor says, that’s causing all the hurricanes and floods, wildfires and tornadoes,
Inseparable they are, landing one after another on the ground under the bird feeder two mourning doves
Seeing is believing smart people often tell me but no one ever told me believing is seeing
Martin, a very senior citizen, wants to get a bucket and knife and go hunt up some greens in a field in Alabama. But in spite of his yearnings for a big bowl of greens, he knows his wif...
He wants to do certain things he should have done before old age and illness reaped their harve… The doctor gives him days perhaps a week to breathe
What if after Browne has gone one of us discovers who Browne was… leads the rally to his room before the maid has time to broom the web… retrieve from underneath the bed
A tragedy happened to Willie and Millie after years of marriage… All their kids were doing well and had nice families of their own but tragedy struck one dawn before
We’re twins. We’ve been together from the start. You’re the doctor. You know that.
Rhoda, I can’t say why Amanda was picked and not Tiffany for anchor of our Nightly News. I interviewed both because Mr. Smith wanted
No more nudes in Playboy according to the anchor on the Nightly News. Playboy has declared nudes passé because
Two old men meet for coffee once a week at a diner while their wives play cribbage. Jim says he has a problem. His wife leaves the water running
He’s a vet from Vietnam who won’t say much about what happened over there except to say his problem began with Agent Orange,
He slaughters his hamburger steak with a fork and a butter knife, massacres ringlets of onions again and again thumps catsup all over
In 1962 my father toiled in Quinc… two weeks, no more, and saw no blacks except for two young ladies who moved like swans
It’s a disgusting thing but Paddy Gilhooley, who knew better as a child, had begun farting in church very early in life. He started in grammar school, many decades ago, long before the ...