In the naked bed, in Plato’s cave… Reflected headlights slowly slid t… Carpenters hammered under the shad… Wind troubled the window curtains… A fleet of trucks strained uphill,…
By circumstances fed Which divide attention Among the living and the dead, Under the blooms of the blossoming… The gaze which is a tower towers
“little soul, little flirting, little perverse one where are you off to now? little wan one, firm one little exposed one...
To live between terms, to live whe… has his loud picture in the subway… Being amid six million souls, thei… An empty song suppressed on every… Where the sliding auto’s catastrop…
Remember midsummer: the fragrance… roses And of phlox. And upon a honeysuc… Three snails hanging with infinite… —Clinging like tendril, flake and…
(After Valery) This hushed surface where the dove… Amid the pines vibrates, amid the… Here the noon’s justice unites all… The sea aspires forever to begin a…
In the morning, when it was rainin… Then the birds were hectic and lou… Through all the reign is fall’s en… Their singing was erratic and full… They did not remember the summer b…
When I was a young man, I loved t… And I called a spade a spade And the only only thing that made… Was to lift the masks at the masqu… I took them off my own face,
(After Valery) O Sea!... ’Tis I, risen from dea… To hear the waves’ harmonious roar And see the galleys, sharp, in daw… Raised from the dark by the rising…
(After Rilke) The city floats no longer like a b… To hook the nimble darting summer… The glazed and brittle palaces pul… And glitter. Summer’s garden sway…
(after Spillane) Let us be aware of the true dark g… Acknowledgeing the cache of the cr… The primitive pure and pwerful pin… private sensitivites
Tired and unhappy, you think of ho… Soft-carpeted and warm in the Dec… While snow’s white pieces fall pas… And the orange firelight leaps. A young girl sings
Yeats died Saturday in France. Freedom from his animal Has come at last in alien Nice, His heart beat separate from his w… He knows at last the old abyss
“the cure of souls.” Henry James The radiant soda of the seashore f… Fun, foam and freedom. The sea la… The Shaven sand. And the light sw… On self-destroying waves.
At last the air fragrant, the bird… Succinct in the unknown unsettled… O little Charles, beside the Geor… And milltown New England; at last… The sky unmoving, and the dead loo…