Caesar, the amplifier voice, annou… Crime and reparation. In the barb… Recumbent men attend, while absent… The barber doffs the naked face wi… Caesar proposes, Caesar promises
Socrates ghost must haunt me now, Notorious death has let him go, He comes to me with a clumsy bow, Saying in his disused voice, That I do not know I do not know,
Yeats died Saturday in France. Freedom from his animal Has come at last in alien Nice, His heart beat separate from his w… He knows at last the old abyss
Dogs are Shakespearean, children… Let Freud and Wordsworth discuss… Angels and Platonists shall judge… The running dog, who paused, diste… Then barked and wailed; the boy wh…
Calmly we walk through this April… Metropolitan poetry here and there… In the park sit pauper and rentier… The screaming children, the motor-… Fugitive about us, running away,
When from the watercolored window… Each is but and clear to see, not… So does the neat print in an actua… Marching as if to true conclusion,… The illimitable blue immensely ove…
“The trumpet is a brilliant instru… Come and come forth and come up fr… Your dumbness, stunned and numb, c… The statues and believed in, Thinking this is nothing, deceived…
When I was a young man, I loved t… And I called a spade a spade And the only only thing that made… Was to lift the masks at the masqu… I took them off my own face,
THE MIND IS AN ANCIEN… The mind is a city like London, Smoky and populous: it is a capita… Like Rome, ruined and eternal, Marked by the monuments which no o…
In the morning, when it was rainin… Then the birds were hectic and lou… Through all the reign is fall’s en… Their singing was erratic and full… They did not remember the summer b…
Where the sea gulls sleep or indee… Is a place of different traffic.… Consider the fishing bay (where I… And purely glide) a place that wea… Of will, and closes my eyes, as th…
When I fall asleep, and even duri… I hear, quite distinctly, voices s… Whole phrases, commonplace and tri… Having no relation to my affairs. Dear Mother, is any time left to…
You, my photographer, you, most aw… Who climbed to the bridge when the… Climbed with your camera when the… And lighted your flashes and, stan… Wound the camera in the sudden bur…
Silence is a great blue bell Swinging and ringing, tinkling and… In measure’s pleasure, and in the… of the soaring of the immense inte… glinting against
(After Valery) This hushed surface where the dove… Amid the pines vibrates, amid the… Here the noon’s justice unites all… The sea aspires forever to begin a…