If you could write down the words moving through a man’s mind as he masturbates you’d have a quick bonus bonk read, I used to think. But words were never adequate
When she says Margarita she means… When she says quixotic she means m… And when she says, “I’ll never sp… she means, “Put your arms around m… as I stand disconsolate at the win…
The shrink says, “Everything depe… on how many stuffed animals you ha… as a boy,” and my mother tells me… father was left-handed and so is m… and they’re both named Joe whose f…
It’s my birtday I’ve got an empty stomach and the desire to be lazy in the hammock and maybe go for a cool swim on a hot day with the trombone in Sinatra’s
As I sit at my desk wishing I did not have to edit a book on poetry and painting a subject that fascinates me usually, but today is not as
There comes a time when the story… different stories and soon after t… retreats to the cave of a solitary… metropolis where no one remembers… whic is, of course, a sign of its…
I like walking on streets as black… now, at two in the solemnly musica… in this town emptied of Lestrygoni… is asleep or trying or worrying wh… they aren’t asleep, while unknown…
The sky is crumbling into millions… the wind blows in my face so I duck into my favorite barber… and listen to Vivaldi and look in… reflecting the shopfront windows,…
What I propose is not Marxism, which is not dead yet in the English department, Not maximalism, which was
Eighty-one degrees a record high f… which is not my birthday but will… the eleventh of June comes around… what I want: a wide-brimmed Panam… with a tan hatband, a walk in the…
Come on in and stay a while I’ll photograph you emerging from… like Frank O’Hara dating the muse… Talking about the big Pollock sho… than going to it on a dismal Satur…
What can you say about the Mets down three games to none one run down with six outs to go Cedeno singles steals second Mora… they pull off a double steal
The wonderful thing about being with you in this hotel lift in London full of people is that none
What is it about the Abyss that tempts the young poet to kiss the air and head for the nearest c… unreasonable attachment to the bli… of falling—what accounts for it? U…
Did you know that Evian spelled b… I myself was unaware of this fact… when John Ashbery, Marc Cohen, a… gave a poetry reading and I introd… to an audience that already knew t…