The grapefruit in the Florida orc… has ripened into a globe in Hartfo… for him to look at, not to eat. If he had a tin can he would beat it as a drummer in a band beats
Nothing extends a phone call more effectively than saying you’re on your way out but she wants to tell you the five things she requires
Don’t walk away, Renee, I’m just getting warmed up your body is like a river and I’m going to swim across I want to explore the left
Light rain is falling in Central… but not on Upper Fifth Avenue or… where sun and sky are yellow and b… Winds are gusting on Washington S… through the arches and on to LaGu…
Some people confuse inspiration wi… not me I know it comes from the lu… you breathe it in you breathe it o… it’s the breath of my being the wi… of the waters yes but it’s also so…
The sky is crumbling into millions… the wind blows in my face so I duck into my favorite barber… and listen to Vivaldi and look in… reflecting the shopfront windows,…
I like walking on streets as black… now, at two in the solemnly musica… in this town emptied of Lestrygoni… is asleep or trying or worrying wh… they aren’t asleep, while unknown…
for Aaron Fogel Politically-correct personal computers point and click. President Clinton
Remember when Khrushchev said “We will bury you!” on the cover of Time I thought he was
This bed thy center is, these wall… The tarnished, gaudy, wonderful ol… Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye,… That never touch with inarticulate… Those dying generations-at their s…
Eighty-one degrees a record high f… which is not my birthday but will… the eleventh of June comes around… what I want: a wide-brimmed Panam… with a tan hatband, a walk in the…
The old war is over the new one ha… between drivers and pedestrians on… in New York light is the variable… the content according to Rodrigo… self-portraits at the Robert Mill…
As I sit at my desk wishing I did not have to edit a book on poetry and painting a subject that fascinates me usually, but today is not as
There comes a time in every man’s… when he thinks: I have never had a… original thought in my life including this one & therefore… eliminate all ideas from my poems
What can you say about the Mets down three games to none one run down with six outs to go Cedeno singles steals second Mora… they pull off a double steal